Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; 3 meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, 4 that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.
Activity 1: Share your thoughts: "What is a disciple of Christ?"
Build a working definition of “Disciple”. Use the Scriptures below to help you summarize your thoughts.
What is a Disciple? Not just a Follower, as many followed Jesus but where not His disciples.
In the Lord’s own words, what are the conditions of Discipleship?
Matthew 5:13 [ Disciples and the World ] “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.
Matthew 10:24 [ The Meaning of Discipleship ] “ A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master.
Matthew 12:49 And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, “Behold My mother and My brothers!”
Matthew 16:24 [ Discipleship Is Costly ] Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.
Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Luke 14:26 “ If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.
Luke 14:27 Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.
Luke 14:33 So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions.
John 8:31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “ If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;
John 13:35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 15:8 My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.
John 15:18 [ Disciples’ Relation to the World ] “ If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.
John 17:13 But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves.
John 21:24 This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true.
Acts 11:26 and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And for an entire year they met with the brethren and taught considerable numbers; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch
Acts 11:29 And in the proportion that any of the disciples had means, each of them determined to send a contribution for the relief of the brethren living in Judea.
Acts 13:52 And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.
Acts 14:21 After they had preached the gospel to that city and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch,
Acts 14:22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, “ Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.”
Those who began as followers, but did not make it to Discipleship are seen in
John 6:66 “As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore”.
John 6:66 “As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore”.
What was the reason these followers walked away from Jesus?
Disciple, intern, and follower all declare a close personal relationship with the Master.
How do we establish an intimate relationship with Christ?
NOTE 1: First,
we must fall in love with Christ. He must become who we want to BE WITH, TALK
Christianity that is built on slogans and shallow sayings
has become very popular to the masses. The “feel-good New Age Psychology” that
says I can ignore you if you make me feel bad.
Quoting popular “feel good”
authors, novelists, psychologist and prosperity preachers rather than digging
deeply into the Word and praying for Wisdom and the guidance of the Holy
Spirit has too often become the norm.
NOTE 2: Intentionally practicing the Christian Disciplines assists us in building this type of relationship with the Lord and His community.
The world "disciple" incorporates the idea of "discipline", self-control, and commitment to a way of life. In the case of a Christian, a disciple is disciplined in "The WAY of LIFE." We make an earnest effort empowered by the Spirit to live a disciplined, holy, pure life.
Galatians 5:16-22 16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery,fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Church Fathers throughout the first 3 centuries of church history fully expected Followers of Christ to value the practice of the Christian disciplines. These disciplines included fasting, praying, and meditation, praising/witnessing, and studying the Word of God. After all, the word disciple insinuates the practice of discipline, a set of behaviors and methods that focus on mimicking the Master. Please take note that the methods in themselves are not the point, but what they afford us in developing a relationship with our Savior.
Too many folks claim to be Disciples of Christ without practicing any of the disciplines of Christ. Christ named these folks hypocrites, white washed tombs with dead men’s bones. Without discipline, we become clanging symbol and a brood of vipers. Without discipline, we hiss and back-bite and cause all manner of divisions being devoid of the Spirit ( Jude 1:19)
WHY ARE CHURCH FOLKS OFTEN SUCH JERKS? (quoting from Christianblog)
Many articles discussing how mean and hateful some church folks can be have been brought to the forefront recently on social media. Questions have been raised on how some so called Christians can act in such as way as to actually discourage those who earnestly seek a Savior. Some congregations’ cultures maintain a vacuum that sucks the life out of growth and maturity in Christ. They quote Scripture without compassion. They think that “being right” has something to do with knowing a verse instead of KNOWING the LOVE and MERCY of God. They are clanging symbols. Their tongues wag and wag in contempt of others and they pass on gossip and hearsay while judging the intent and motives of others. This is WAY above our pay grade! We simply are not qualified to judge the motives and intents of the hearts of others. Only God alone is qualified.
There has been a lot of preparation and educational funds spent on addressing the anti-bullying laws in our public schools. One does not need to ask where young people get their prowess for bullying others.
Too often it begins with authoritarian figures displaying mean-spirited and bullying techniques within the home. Perhaps bullying is learned on the playground or within a peer group. Either way, belittling others to gain "control" or to acquire self-esteem has become a little acknowledged and rarely addressed tactic in too many congregations. It is in direct opposition to The Lord's Will for His church.
"By this EVERYONE will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another” (John 13:35 ) If we are not known for our love for one another, then are we the Body of Christ? Has our candle stick been removed from the presence of Christ?
“You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to Me!” (John 5:39)
True Followers of Christ would never devote any time or effort to divisive practices because this behavior denotes folks who are "devoid of the Spirit" (Jude 1:19)
True Followers of Christ make EVERY EFFORT to practice the disciplines of Christ. His example for us is not a suggestion; it is our path, The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
True Followers of Christ do NOT lend their ears to gossip and are not condemning of others, but are patient, kind, long-suffering, and honest in their approach to differences of opinion while thinking of others more highly than themselves. They are servants and not whiners. They are not quick to anger. They are peacemakers, not interested in division.
What disciplines did Christ exemplify? Here is a short list...
Christ disciplined Himself to see the suffering, the hurt, the oppressed, the poor, the orphans, the widows, the homeless, the adulteress, the weary, the hungry, the second class citizens. He made time for them. He went where they were. He stopped His busy schedule for them. He looked eyeball to eyeball with them. He gave them hope. He addressed their felt needs. He forgave them and loved them.
Study of God's Word cannot be replaced by a sermon once or twice a week. A baby would starve to death on such a schedule...as do many well-meaning, would-be Christ followers. You cannot be a Follower of Christ on that kind of skimpy diet and perhaps this is why there are toooo many spiritual "babies" among us.
Praying continually is not an option, it is a command. Walking in a prayerful attitude, addressing The Father in all things, is the example Christ set for His Followers. A prayerful walk with The Lord, keeps us humble in spirit. Fighting, haughtiness, self-importance and self-indulgence are abandoned when we kneel before the Throne of the Almighty Jehovah God. Hurtfulness and mean-spiritedness do not coexist with a bent knee and contrite heart.
Fasting was a way of dedicating time to focus on prayer and
meditation. Meal preparation for centuries was a tremendously time
consuming task. Whole days and weeks were spent harvesting, grinding,
preparing, cooking, and serving even the meanest of meals. To fast
meant to lay all this aside so that all your time and energies could be
focused on the "greater things". Fasting also disciplined the body to
reject its lusts of over indulgence and self-satisfaction.
Today, I believe fasting might be thought of as a way to think about limiting our concerns for our comfort zones. Fasting can be
experienced by becoming so absorbed in studying, praying, and
meditating that we forget our "normal" schedules. When I really get
down to listening to God, focusing on His Will and absorbing His
Wisdom time flies and I don't even notice when I ate last, got up out
of a chair or even took a look around the room. We don't spend all day
in food preparation so we actually have little excuse for spending
time focused on the pursuit of God.
Fasting and meditation go hand in hand. Followers of Christ don't fast
for fasting sake. Christ spend 40 days in the wilderness fasting,
praying, and meditating on the Will of God.
(6) PRACTICING HUMBLING ourselves in Praise and in Witnessing
Denying self and taking up our cross to
follow Him means to step away from our comfort zone and to cloth ourselves
with the apron of servant-hood according to His purpose. Washing the feet of even those who betray us is our example.
1 Corinthians 15:58 With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.
The world "disciple" incorporates the idea of "discipline", self-control, and commitment to a way of life. In the case of a Christian, a disciple is disciplined in "The WAY of LIFE." We make an earnest effort empowered by the Spirit to live a disciplined, holy, pure life.
Galatians 5:16-22 16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery,fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
True Followers of Christ
Follow His Disciplined Example
Someone recently shared a
blog with our FB Community where a woman expressed her heart-wrenching
experience as a minister’s wife over multiple years and in multiple
congregations of mean-spirited “church folk”. This woman was now paralyzed by
her fear of attending “church”. There has been a lot written lately about
“Christians who are Jerks” and other similar topics. If you have been associate
with congregations who have tempted you to flee from their presence, I hope
this offering will give you some direction, not just in helping you with your fears,
but in giving you a proactive way of reaching out to those who need comfort and
a positive direction.
Church Fathers throughout the first 3 centuries of church history fully expected Followers of Christ to value the practice of the Christian disciplines. These disciplines included fasting, praying, and meditation, praising/witnessing, and studying the Word of God. After all, the word disciple insinuates the practice of discipline, a set of behaviors and methods that focus on mimicking the Master. Please take note that the methods in themselves are not the point, but what they afford us in developing a relationship with our Savior.
Too many folks claim to be Disciples of Christ without practicing any of the disciplines of Christ. Christ named these folks hypocrites, white washed tombs with dead men’s bones. Without discipline, we become clanging symbol and a brood of vipers. Without discipline, we hiss and back-bite and cause all manner of divisions being devoid of the Spirit ( Jude 1:19)
WHY ARE CHURCH FOLKS OFTEN SUCH JERKS? (quoting from Christianblog)
Many articles discussing how mean and hateful some church folks can be have been brought to the forefront recently on social media. Questions have been raised on how some so called Christians can act in such as way as to actually discourage those who earnestly seek a Savior. Some congregations’ cultures maintain a vacuum that sucks the life out of growth and maturity in Christ. They quote Scripture without compassion. They think that “being right” has something to do with knowing a verse instead of KNOWING the LOVE and MERCY of God. They are clanging symbols. Their tongues wag and wag in contempt of others and they pass on gossip and hearsay while judging the intent and motives of others. This is WAY above our pay grade! We simply are not qualified to judge the motives and intents of the hearts of others. Only God alone is qualified.
Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men’s hearts; and then each man’s praise will come to him from God.
There has been a lot of preparation and educational funds spent on addressing the anti-bullying laws in our public schools. One does not need to ask where young people get their prowess for bullying others.
Too often it begins with authoritarian figures displaying mean-spirited and bullying techniques within the home. Perhaps bullying is learned on the playground or within a peer group. Either way, belittling others to gain "control" or to acquire self-esteem has become a little acknowledged and rarely addressed tactic in too many congregations. It is in direct opposition to The Lord's Will for His church.
"By this EVERYONE will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another” (John 13:35 ) If we are not known for our love for one another, then are we the Body of Christ? Has our candle stick been removed from the presence of Christ?
Observations of
infighting, enmity, jealousy, labeling, anger, gossiping, bitterness, distrust,
divisions, self-promotion, and close-minded bigotry have been sighted in what
is suppose to be the body of Christ. These are not new allegations, they were
observed by Paul in the first century church. The New Testament writers, John,
James, and Paul all addressed the inconsistencies in the brotherhood by
reprimanding those who claimed to be followers of Christ and yet did not
practice the disciplines of
Christ. Some were warned that their names would be removed from the Book of Life because they had fallen away from the Love of the Truth and The Way of Christ.
True Followers of Christ buffet their bodies daily, suffer the pain of circumcision of the heart, the tearing away of self-indulgent desires, fleshly idols, self-serving behaviors and self-importance. True Followers of Christ discipline their minds, hearts, and tongues. They humble themselves thinking of others more highly then themselves.
Christ. Some were warned that their names would be removed from the Book of Life because they had fallen away from the Love of the Truth and The Way of Christ.
True Followers of Christ buffet their bodies daily, suffer the pain of circumcision of the heart, the tearing away of self-indulgent desires, fleshly idols, self-serving behaviors and self-importance. True Followers of Christ discipline their minds, hearts, and tongues. They humble themselves thinking of others more highly then themselves.
True Followers of Christ
are known by their LOVE...not just for their friends, but for their enemies,
for the lowly, for the poor, for those who carry different opinions, and
different life-styles. Certainly we see these traits in Jesus' love for the
sinner, the drunkard, the adulteress, the poor, the disgustingly filthy, the
leper, the blind, the homeless, and the religiously confused.
Christ's intolerance was only for those who thought they had it all figured out through self-centered self-righteousness because “they had a Scripture and Verse”. Christ blasted them for thinking that a Scripture was more important than a relationship with Him.
Christ's intolerance was only for those who thought they had it all figured out through self-centered self-righteousness because “they had a Scripture and Verse”. Christ blasted them for thinking that a Scripture was more important than a relationship with Him.
“You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to Me!” (John 5:39)
True Followers of Christ would never devote any time or effort to divisive practices because this behavior denotes folks who are "devoid of the Spirit" (Jude 1:19)
True Followers of Christ make EVERY EFFORT to practice the disciplines of Christ. His example for us is not a suggestion; it is our path, The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
True Followers of Christ do NOT lend their ears to gossip and are not condemning of others, but are patient, kind, long-suffering, and honest in their approach to differences of opinion while thinking of others more highly than themselves. They are servants and not whiners. They are not quick to anger. They are peacemakers, not interested in division.
2 Peter 1:5-9 5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.
What disciplines did Christ exemplify? Here is a short list...
Christ disciplined Himself to see the suffering, the hurt, the oppressed, the poor, the orphans, the widows, the homeless, the adulteress, the weary, the hungry, the second class citizens. He made time for them. He went where they were. He stopped His busy schedule for them. He looked eyeball to eyeball with them. He gave them hope. He addressed their felt needs. He forgave them and loved them.
Beyond His loving, tender
compassion for all mankind, Christ demonstrated a need to have Scripture
readily available in heart and mind. When tempted He knew the Words of God to
turn away the Tempter.
Study of God's Word cannot be replaced by a sermon once or twice a week. A baby would starve to death on such a schedule...as do many well-meaning, would-be Christ followers. You cannot be a Follower of Christ on that kind of skimpy diet and perhaps this is why there are toooo many spiritual "babies" among us.
The purpose of studying
Scripture is to bring us into relationship with Christ, to be more like Christ,
to follow in His footsteps. Wisdom comes from above and is imparted by God to
those who ask through prayerful study of His Word. Wisdom comes when we seek
God not mere knowledge. Wisdom is the PRACTICE of putting Scripture into bodily
form. It’s like taking your vitamins every day. Eventually, the vitamins and
minerals build strong bone and muscle, enhance brain function and provide a
basis for a healthier life-style.
God has chosen two
processes to build our spirituality according to Titus 3:5-7. The first process
introduces us to God through the washing of regeneration in the blood of
Christ. The second process is a life-long process of being renewed by God’s
Spirit in our mind so that we can walk continuously with Him in a righteous
relationship. The Christian Disciplines help us to be continually renewed by
the Spirit so we can walk hand in hand with our God.
Praying continually is not an option, it is a command. Walking in a prayerful attitude, addressing The Father in all things, is the example Christ set for His Followers. A prayerful walk with The Lord, keeps us humble in spirit. Fighting, haughtiness, self-importance and self-indulgence are abandoned when we kneel before the Throne of the Almighty Jehovah God. Hurtfulness and mean-spiritedness do not coexist with a bent knee and contrite heart.
Taking time to dedicate yourself to avoiding distractions (going into the desert or up into the mountains) so that you can be alone with God for a significant period of time demonstrates a true follower of Christ. If Christ HAD to devote Himself to limiting distractions, how much more do I need to do the same?
Pray for wisdom, passion & love for lost souls, for eyes that see opportunities, to know what to say & do when doors of opportunity arise (Col 4:3-5), pray for peace among brethren so that we are a Light to the world.
Pray for wisdom, passion & love for lost souls, for eyes that see opportunities, to know what to say & do when doors of opportunity arise (Col 4:3-5), pray for peace among brethren so that we are a Light to the world.
Fasting was a way of dedicating time to focus on prayer and
meditation. Meal preparation for centuries was a tremendously time
consuming task. Whole days and weeks were spent harvesting, grinding,
preparing, cooking, and serving even the meanest of meals. To fast
meant to lay all this aside so that all your time and energies could be
focused on the "greater things". Fasting also disciplined the body to
reject its lusts of over indulgence and self-satisfaction.
Today, I believe fasting might be thought of as a way to think about limiting our concerns for our comfort zones. Fasting can be
experienced by becoming so absorbed in studying, praying, and
meditating that we forget our "normal" schedules. When I really get
down to listening to God, focusing on His Will and absorbing His
Wisdom time flies and I don't even notice when I ate last, got up out
of a chair or even took a look around the room. We don't spend all day
in food preparation so we actually have little excuse for spending
time focused on the pursuit of God.
Fasting and meditation go hand in hand. Followers of Christ don't fast
for fasting sake. Christ spend 40 days in the wilderness fasting,
praying, and meditating on the Will of God.
Jonathan Schooler, a
professor of psychology at the University of
California, Santa Barbara, wondered if instruction in mindfulness--the
capacity to focus on the here and now--could help. Meditation calmed
brain and increased IQ and performance. Thinking about the decisions
as they arise instead of working impulsively from gut reactions - Phil
4 - Think on "these things" brings peace and the knowledge that the
"Lord is near"--quieting anxiety, fears, doubts, and
These things calm the brain, give focus to the purpose for which we breath, testify to the peace we have in times of crisis through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and exemplify the wisdom we are given through our relationship with Him.
California, Santa Barbara, wondered if instruction in mindfulness--the
capacity to focus on the here and now--could help. Meditation calmed
brain and increased IQ and performance. Thinking about the decisions
as they arise instead of working impulsively from gut reactions - Phil
4 - Think on "these things" brings peace and the knowledge that the
"Lord is near"--quieting anxiety, fears, doubts, and
Step-by-step, moment-by-moment walking within the footsteps of Jesus means:
--Not worrying about the future or fretting
about the past.
--Taking hold of the task that is set before
us...here and now.
--Not putting our hand to the plow and looking
--Trusting in "The Plan" that sets us
in the role of minister to the gospel of reconciliation. We must learn
to trust in our mission of making disciples for the cause of Christ.
--Committing ourselves to testifying for
the ONE who makes all things new, trusting in the Power of the ONE who
spoke the universe into being. These things calm the brain, give focus to the purpose for which we breath, testify to the peace we have in times of crisis through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and exemplify the wisdom we are given through our relationship with Him.
(6) PRACTICING HUMBLING ourselves in Praise and in Witnessing
God can only transform a heart that has submitted its will humbly to The Lord of lords. We show our humility by refusing to take any credit for our lives and our talents. We spend our time in PRAISE & WITNESSING,
proclaiming His glory among the nations. We discipline ourselves to rely on the power of God to help us freely
testify to His transforming power.
Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Colossians 4: 5 5 Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. 6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.
Praise is the consummation of Joy! Praise comes from the heart and the lips speak from the overflow of the heart (Luke 6:45). Joy is expressed with the entire body but especially with the lips.
Ps 63:5 "... my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips."
Prov 3:6 "in ALL your ways acknowledge Him" This doesn't leave out ANY of the events we participate in.
It takes disciplined patience to wait on The Lord to turn sorrow into joy, but His promise is true. (John 16:20).
Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Colossians 4: 5 5 Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. 6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.
Praise is the consummation of Joy! Praise comes from the heart and the lips speak from the overflow of the heart (Luke 6:45). Joy is expressed with the entire body but especially with the lips.
Ps 63:5 "... my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips."
Prov 3:6 "in ALL your ways acknowledge Him" This doesn't leave out ANY of the events we participate in.
It takes disciplined patience to wait on The Lord to turn sorrow into joy, but His promise is true. (John 16:20).
1 Corinthians 15:58 With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don’t hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.
Jesus took time to teach and nurture, mentor and encourage a small group of followers. If we are to be like Jesus, we will learn to take time in helping others grow spiritually. We will pray with them, teach them, and help them debrief over their experiences. We will meet with them regularly, walk with them, show them, help them by example.
NOTE 3: COME BE LIKE ME! The community of followers must build a network of mentors. This was the Master Teacher's technique. If we follow Him, we will mentor others like He did.
NOTE 3: COME BE LIKE ME! The community of followers must build a network of mentors. This was the Master Teacher's technique. If we follow Him, we will mentor others like He did.
How do Doctors become Doctors? They are taught and MENTORED by others. Who are you mentoring now? Who is mentoring you?
NOTE 4: A Follower of Christ is offering their entire life
to Christ. "Deny self & take up your Cross" This means becoming totally invested
in the footsteps of the ONE who died for all, rejected by all, and abused by
all. Is that what you signed up for?
Jesus talked about types of followers in His parable of the soil. Today it is quite possible that people who claim to be
Christians actually only allow some of what Jesus said to penetrate their
hearts or to change their lives. These are
the rocky soil that Christ warned about. These folks may love the baby Jesus in
a manger, but do not have a lot of use for the risen Sovereign Lord. They do not grow closer to Him or really even
take His commands that seriously.
Facebook Friends of mine often spend way too much time
making fun of and disrespecting our president, whereas Jesus has called us to
respect our governing officials. Is it that these FB folks just don’t care about going that
far--obeying His teachings or developing a deeper understanding of His
teachings. Is it because they only follow Him when it is convenient for them but they refuse to
follow Him all the way?
There are followers who look to the church as a social
club. They come to be entertained or fulfilled and will leave as soon as the
world (or another congregation) presents them with something better. These are those who are choked out
by the weeds.
There are followers who don’t want to go very deep. "I know
enough", "I do enough", "I’m content with my religious rituals and practices." They don’t want to leave their comfort zone, their crib, their security blanket. They will follow Jesus as
long as they don’t have to really struggle with their own plans or desires.
NOTE 5: Jesus is no longer a baby. As a Follower of Christ
we must see Him as Lord of Lords, King of Kings and SANCTIFY Him as Lord in our
Hearts. (1 Peter 3:15) In fact, this is going to be your memory verse this lesson. You will need to come back being able to quote it to your
NOTE 6: We need to hold each other accountable for maturing
in our faith, our walk, and our testimony for Christ.
NOTE 7: A Follower of Christ is ON MISSION as an ambassador
of Christ participating with God in the Ministry of Reconciliation.
Speaking of reconciliation, we probably need to re-examine
baptism in the context of a FOLLOWER of Christ.
Acknowledging the presence of God as we take each step, moment by moment is a discipline. The Lord is NEAR (Ps 145:18; Phil 4:5) and even though we testify that we believe in Him, we often live as if we do not. We live as virtual atheists. Our worries, stress, concerns, faithlessness are all expressed in the way we live our lives, who we depend on, and what decisions we make.
Walking in the footsteps of Jesus means that we conscientiously acknowledge His guidance and presence step by step throughout our day. Walking by faith and not by sight is a discipline. Stepping out in faith, into the unknown, yet knowing it is God's will, brings us into closer reliance upon the ONE who created the universe and who has ALL power and authority. The mark of Christian maturity is the reliance and acknowledgment of God in every aspect of one's life: in the market place and in the brotherhood of saints.
Yes, you will find many more disciplines listed by the early church fathers. The examples here are to help you initiate a disciplined walk with The Lord. Please know that each of these disciplines can be expanded on in Scripture and I encourage you to look more deeply into each one.
PLEASE KNOW that the Christian Disciplines are merely the boot camp, the run way, the launching pad for being a Disciple of Christ. We will learn what these disciplines prepare us to do in our next lessons.
HOMEWORK: Meditate on Matthew 7:21F
Lesson 3 - BEYOND the DISCIPLINES! Start thinking about....
Rather than
being “committed” to religion, what does Jesus ask us to do?
How often to we sing from our hearts, “I Surrender Some!”?
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OTHER Joyful Resources: http://joyofbiblelearning.blogspot.com